Rora, Continent of

The continent of Rora was the second continent discovered after the Displaced arrived in Karenth through Freedom's Gate.   The continent is a large continent with grasslands and plains to the north with large forests to the south. Several lakes and rivers provide fresh water to the and plant that live nearby.   Due to the lack of mountains, and general location in the world, the continent has a mild winter, with a growing season almost year round. This provided the new inhabitants with plenty of food once they got crops growing.   It was discovered by Gabriel Rora, the patriarch of the Rora family.   Gabriel's extensive reading in old books earlier in his life provided him with information, thought to by myth, that would prove to be useul when they arrived in Karenth. Gabriel's group split off early for the rest of the refugees. As they began to follow one of the old roads, Gabriel would go off scouting. In reality, he began to attempt to open portals to places he remembered from books. Eventually one of them succeeded in opening up to someplace worthwhile, what is now known at Aillianna Rora.
Included Locations

Cover image: by Elena Ivashchenko


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