Blood Lake Myth in Karenth | World Anvil

Blood Lake

There is said to be a lake, in the western part of Karenth Centralis, Continent of where a number of the early Displaced made their way. It was landlocked save for a great river heading to the south and east. Mountains surrounded it on 3 sides. The people who claimed to have found the lake say it was made of blood, and the river leaving it were also made of blood.   They discovered the lake before dusk, but upon seeing the blood red liquid fled in its wake. They claimed the sky above it was filled with flames.   Since then, others have gone seeking the lake to try and determine if it was just a trick of the light. Many have gone searching for it, and recently, a group of the The Gwen found the lake and determined that the lake does indeed appear like blood at dusk. The next morning they went to determine why, and the lake looked like any other large blue lake. The lake was very shallow, only 10 feet deep at the deepest points they examined. All of the stones in the lake were a dark red, probably some iron based mineral.   That night, after examining the lake, the troop of four Gwen were attacked from the lake by a merriad of small flying pixies. Had the party not been equiped with serious magic, they would have perished. All of the pixies, not charred by fire spells, were red skinned and hard to distinguish from the lake itself. The swarm was destroyed, but the full understanding of the red color has yet to be determined.   All of the members of the Gwen party now have legs and hands stained red from where they had touched the water, and now, even years later, their hands and legs remained stained with color.

Cover image: by Elena Ivashchenko


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