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Wet tongues woke Fawkes. 

Muttering dire threats at the two culprits, he got dressed. His threats won him nothing more than panted laughs and wagging tails.

He scooped out two bowls of Crumps and Jerky, a tasty travel rations of oats covered with honey brittle mixed with cut-up bits of jerky. They were the best fare a skipper could provide his crew when they were reduced to eating rations. His own stomach growled. He needed to purchase more soon, but not now.

He set the bowls on the deck. Both face-licking criminals crunched into their breakfast. PeyPey dug through the crumps to eat the jerky bits first. JuJu munched down everything by the mouthful.

Unlike his dogs, Fawkes got tired of eating rations. Instead, he planned to eat at the Blackstone Inn since he was going into town to see the Brethren.

He finished getting ready for the day and glared at his freshly shaved face in the mirror.  Shaving every day was supposed to convince his measly fuzz to turn into proper beard hairs. It was not working yet. Praise be to his goddess, Boki, he had a deep voice.

Huffing out a breath, Fawkes left the cabin and locked the door. He scowled at the new splotches of bird poop staining the deck as he stepped over on his way to the dock. Stepping onto it, he left it up to PeyPey and JuJu to decide which of them would join him. JuJu, the first one done eating, walked over to Fawkes. PeyPey, still taking his time, wagged his tail at them. He was such a homebody.

JuJu, about to jump up, stopped. His ears pricked forward as he looked down the town end of the dock.

Grrrr? The curious growl had Fawkes turning for a look.

Shyri came towards the keelboat carrying an empty basket. She wore a yellow finely-woven dress this time instead of her sneaking about man clothes. It was not a fancy dress but she still looked lovely, and modestly proper as her dress reached the ankles of her laced-up boots. There were no extra under skirts to puff it out as women wore to dances, except for her petticoat, and  — Fawkes felt his face heat up and he shifted uncomfortably as another part of him stirred at the thought of her delicate clothes.

"A-hem," he coughed into his sleeve then took a deep breath. Enough of that!

"Hello, Fawkes," she said with a smile but did not offer her cheek. They needed to be careful to not raise suspicions about their ... closeness. Neither of them wanted to get married. 

Fawkes arched a brow at her. What was she up to?

"Miss Cragjumper, how lovely to see you."

Her voice dropped to a whisper and he leaned down a bit to listen. "The time is still good for —"

Running footsteps echoed down the dock. Fawkes straightened as both turned to look. It was Thimmy.  He ran to Shyri. Fawkes raised a brow to Shyri who rolled her eyes and gave him a slight shake of her head. Whatever she was really up to was going to have to wait for another time.

"I was wondering if you had any more ginger, night pepper, and hot bark?" she asked Fawkes. Spices were, after all, his family business even if the only family left was him.

"This ain't the market, Shyri," Thimmy accused.

Fawkes rolled his eyes but said nothing.

"Mama needs the spices, Thimmy," Shyri scolded him. "And Fawkes has them all."

"I have all three," Fawkes said before Thimmy could say more. "How much do you want?"

"One spat of each, please."

Fawkes quickly measured out the spices into tiny paper sachets using a spat, which looked like a thimble on the end of a long metal handle. He passed the sachets to Shyri then took her coins.

"Do have a good day, Miss Cragjumper."

She settled the sachets just so in her basket.

Fawkes turned and winked at her little brother. "You, too, Thimmy." 

The siblings left, with Shyri only able to smile goodbye to Fawkes before Thimmy dragged her away, much to Fawkes' relief.


"A bit darin', boyyo."

He turned around. An old fisherman and a bottle of rum sat on a crate stacked near a fishing boat moored behind the Gosling.

"What am I daring?" Fawkes asked in an amused tone, his eyes flickering from the bottle to the old man.

"Cragjumper's li'l girl," the old fisherman said. "Heard her over in your boat a night or two." He raised his rum bottle and winked at Fawkes. "No worries, she's not wantin' a weddin' so's I ain't tellin' folks."

JuJu and PeyPey, peeking from the Gosling, panted out laughs.

Fawkes sucked in a breath in hopes of fading the red from his face. He cleared his throat.

"Thank you for your discretion, ... ?"

"Name's Bristol," the old fisherman said. "I'm too old to see a girl unhappy these days. And it's good to see you enjoyin' life after losin' your ole man." His voice turned sad. "Harder to do when you get old."

Fawkes blinked at the old fisherman. Suddenly, he remembered Bristol had lost his nephew in the same fire that had murdered Grandfather. His grief had been too strong for him to remember much more than some of the other mourning faces.

"Name's Fawkes," he introduced himself. "Sorry about your nephew."

This time Bristol nodded, his face deepening into his own recent grief.

"We fished together," Bristol said. "Was teachin' him everythin' I know 'bout the Darkwater an' Thrundank. Was gonna be my heir. Turns out I was his."

"Ever hear if Rapp caught that murdering wizard?" Fawkes asked, letting his sarcastic tone wash away his grief.

Bristol snorted.

"Never gonna happen, boyyo," he grumbled. "He loves his fat coffers too much."

Fawkes nodded. Rumors abounded of the captain of the town watch getting rich off bribes from The Hand. He glanced at the sun then back to the old fisherman with his bottle of rum.

"If you can stand to put away your rum for a while, I'm headed to the Inn for a meal before getting down to the day's business. Wouldn't mind some company."

Bristol corked his rum and tossed the bottle down onto the neatly piled nets in his fishing boat.

"Don't mind a'tall, boyyo," Bristol's face brightened. He stood up and, despite his age, his back was straight. There was still plenty of spring in his step as they headed off to the Blackstone Inn.

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