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Aren't You Tired Harbinger

In the world of Vontia

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"Your eminence?!" The voice echoed. It did, right o'er head. I didn't breathe, trapped behind a large vase in the courtyard corner; I didn't squirm or grow panicked. I didn't move my eyes or blink. 
No existence made me tremble like his. His disgusting hands, his burning, revolting gaze, and his lying lips could only coax me in. That could only trap me under him, where he would forever feast on my sorrow and fear. I was to be darkness incarnate, the most terrifying existence in the universe...I couldn't even face one godling. 

"Where's she gone?" I could hear the second voice, the darkest night, the divine chaos, the placeholder for the place I will take if time wills it. 
"I don't know; she ran away when I turned my back for a half second." He lies, running over his lips. He cursed me; his lips thrummed a charming melody intent to lure and trap me like a dutiful harpy. A liar to boot. He was moments away from devouring me whole. Tearing me apart. Killing me...
They took steps away, maybe continuing to look, but I didn't care. A monster stood by, yet he, the terrible void, didn't even flinch to get rid of it. He could, a single flick of his wrist, and the evil would be defeated. He, far too powerful to be blind, didn't kill it. Why didn't he just kill it?

"If she's gone far, the dragons will find her; they've stagnated to give me word that she's not left home." Far too powerful to blind- he could see me. Yet he didn't speak, didn't warn or inform. Why not? If you're not to kill it, why hide me from it? Why? Nothing made sense. However, nothing in the face of the eyes of nothing was perfectly acceptable. 
"Harbinger of nothingness, how must I fix her if she runs?" The godling spoke, and miasma practically slithered into the corner, drowning me with the sound. If only he'd stop shining. I could slink into the shadows and be gone. If only he would simply stop—for a moment. 
"The running- it's out of your control. Go along now; I'll tell you when to come next." There was the sound of thrumming, like a harp, and then the light faded. In moments, the plunge into darkness consumed the courtyard and fell into the abyss. The corner became distant as I appeared before the Harbinger. His gaze did not pierce my soul; I could feel it dancing over my form, analyzing every twitch of the shadows composing me. "You grew scared, Haiyta." 
I was still scared. I kept my gaze on the ground beneath us, thinking of a proper response. "I can't face him-"
"You can. Fear is in your nature, repulsion, and cowardice? They are not. You must only control how you respond, remain unmoving, let it occur, and it will be over soon after."
I nod, the darkness surrounding us pulsing in response to an apocalyptic threat. "He's back!" My gaze flies up to meet the nondescript visage of my mentor, and I can feel his expression—joy. 
"Your eminence?" The voice, but no light...I turn, my eyes cutting through the potent darkness to the one who could not see. His light was shrouded, snuffed out by a sifting veil of darkness. LIke a cloth over a lantern. He wanders, his open eyes finding no direction. I shift out of his way, his voice echoing the same call repeatedly. The Harbinger is unmoved.
Steeling my nerves, attempting, I let out a breath. "Godling," I say into the shadowed courtyard, his gaze flying in my direction, locked on, unshifting, like a predator. He steps and then practically leaps. Claws out, teeth bared, eyes open. I tried to move, run, and hide, but I couldn't. Darkness against me, the Harbinger disallowed it.
"No!" I shout, my voice hitting the light as it approaches. Atop my space, he grabs me. Arms around me, grappling, crushing, I couldn't move. The darkness dissipates as his light consumes all. I could feel it, my very existence fading away. He didn't move, he didn't stop holding me...

Then, the light dims, and darkness creeps to the edge of its radiance and sits there. He pulls away, his vibrant and beautiful eyes viewing me in the eclipsed courtyard. 
"You were drowning in it, the darkness. " I huff, his hand slipping over mine. "This is why you're not supposed to run and hide, Haiyta."
"You were of no help in that regard," I rebuttal, my words coming out hoarse and almost unfamiliar. The change of voice was one of many. "You mustn't shine so brightly, or I will be forced to. Wouldn't a rabbit run from a wolf?"

"Would you regard me as a wolf?"

"It is the darkness that runs from light; it is natural I view you as such. "

"You're mistaken." 

"I am not, godling. Prey runs, predators chase, we are simply examples of it."

"And what about the rabbit raised by wolves? The wolf raised by rabbits? Would then the predator run and prey chase?" His stern, all-consuming gaze cut into me. 

I notice the Harbinger is gone, his presence no different elsewhere than standing before me. "I don't know. I grow weary here." I admit to escape his question, my eyes framing my path through a nearby door. He didn't let go of my hand, walking with me, letting his light douse the flames of my darkness.

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