SoulLink Progress Report

Check out my world World Behind the Veil!

Office of the Archdruid of New York

A government office dedicated to support the work of the archdruid.

565 words

Jeneice Weaver

Second daughter of Yalonda Weaver and current heiress.

315 words

Delma Alexandria Lytton

Daughter of Athena and owner of Lytton Arms.

416 words

Yellow-gilled Gymnopilus

A psilocybin mushroom native to North America.

458 words

United Nations

The largest organization in the world combining all nations and peoples of the planet.

504 words

Viktor Blagoev

A professional tattoo artist. He creates all the dragon tattoos for the loyalists.

269 words


The patron demon lord of the Weaver family.

265 words

Quan Cheng

The oldest of the Chinese vampires.

544 words

Sisterhood of Blood

A sisterhood of vampires who offer sanctuary to the women who need it.

430 words

Antarctic Ice Spirit

An unique supernatural species native to Antarctica.

414 words

Chinese Lineage

The oldest of the vampire lineages which originated somewhere in China.

348 words

Parkston Group

A small private intelligence company under the control of Lytton Arms.

269 words

West Canada Special Territory

A territory located in the southern Adirondack Mountains.

516 words


The adopted daughter of Cassidy. She is a NYC socialite and student at College of Mystical Arts & History.

1111 words


The regular rank of all loyalists recognized by Cassidy.

73 words

Demonic Familiar

A powerful, but chaotic and dangerous companion for enterprising witches.

344 words

Cursed Lineage

Created by a curse, the vampires of this lineage are the most bloodthirsty and unpredictable.

286 words

Demonic Possession

Demons can possess and manipulate humans and supernaturals on Earth to achieve some goal.

271 words


The remnant of a soul left behind during a violent or traumatic death.

397 words

New York State Department of Supernatural Affairs

A new department that is tasked with handling new challenges with supernatural communities and creatures.

645 words

Underwood Pack

283 words


Leader of the Death Guard and ancient member of the Chinese lineage.

414 words


The progenitor of the third oldest vampire lineage.

22 words

Soul Technology

Technologies which are used to manipulate souls of humans.

483 words


The hierach of the Dryad Wilderness Federation of the Adirondack Mountains.

401 words

SoulLink Progress so far

10043 words 100.43% completed!

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I am a data librarian and programmer. I world-build as a distration from live and just for fun.

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