Oneriwien Progress Report

Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.

Mortal Lands

451 words

The Muddle

A paradoxical storm of chaos, lights, and illusions that surrounds the Mortal Lands of Caligus.

137 words

The Cosmos

The entirety of everything that is and the antithesis to that which is not.

246 words

Arctic Star

The constellation that holds Frestus, Frigus, Glacus, Hoarus, Nixus, and Sulumus.

166 words

Astral Anchor

The constellation that holds Altus, Caelus, Caligus, Helius, Marus, Satulus, Temptus, Ulmenus, and Undus.

221 words

Death's Hourglass

The constellation that holds Cimetus, Morius, Mortemus, Perdus, Putrus, Tenamus, Tumulus, Velamus.

212 words

Northern Flame

The constellation that holds Calorus, Cenpius, Hallus, Larus, Odius, Radiaus, Spaerus, and Stellaus.

188 words

Ourano's Breath

The constellation that holds Castus, Harenus, Meridius, Lucus, and Ubrus.

127 words

Stone's Cradle

The constellation that holds Allamus, Auctus, Brastus, Heimus, Nidorus, Ravare, Sepulus, Venarus, and Vicus.

241 words


A haunted continent of Caligus covered in ancient ruins, thick forests, and forgotten artifacts.

268 words


A ruined continent of Caligus that was charred away by the Cursed Sun.

242 words


A chaotic continent of Caligus that was ripped out of the Muddle by the refugees of Mortvech.

397 words

Imina Cali

A fabled continent of Caligus that functions as the meeting place for the most powerful beings on Caligus.

251 words


An ancient continent of Caligus that is home to several growing civilizations tasked with tearing the Cursed Sun out of the sky.

256 words


214 words


The spectral Deadfolk of Caligus.

465 words


The rotting Deadfolk of Caligus.

407 words


The wasteland Manfolk of Caligus.

579 words


The nomadic Manfolk of Caligus.

605 words


The patchwork Manfolk of Caligus.

587 words


The moon blessed Manfolk of Caligus.

498 words

Cursed Sun

Titanic Exarch of Destruction, Purity, and Daylight.

37 words

Holy Moon

Titanic Exarch of Sanctuary, Predators, and Moonlight.

33 words


The vampiric Blessedfolk of Caligus.

608 words


A 5e background option for Caligus.

614 words


All current campaigns being run by the Realms of Ravare team.

168 words


132 words


An isolated section of Adurvech under the control of the Umbre Kingdom.

124 words

Cadeal Expanse

The Northern half of Tol-Adur.

161 words

Limfier Expanse

The Southern half of Tol-Adur.

103 words

Mootward Campaign Guide

The Campaign Guide for the Mootward Campaign ran by Oneriwien.

825 words


The shapechanging Beastfolk of Caligus.

241 words

Adurvech Gnoll

The ravenous Beastfolk of Caligus.

261 words

Path of Slaughter

A custom subclass for D&D 5e Barbarians.

464 words


234 words


An isolated but famous village within the Limfier Expanse.

1646 words


59 words

Laws of Umbre

153 words

Esmeral of Murga

58 words

Oneriwien Progress so far

13255 words 132.55% completed!

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Interests & Hobbies

Worldbuilding should be an obvious hobby. But I also enjoy art even if I am fairly terrible at it. I also spend a great deal of time on TTRPGs.

Favorite Movies

Requiem for a Dream, the Matrix Series, the Clerks, Pulp Fiction, Evil Dead 1/2, Army of Darkness, Europa Report, Alien series, and most Horror. Honestly far too many films to list them all.

Favorite TV Series

I've seen so much at this point it is hard to narrow down. Top 5 that I can think of is Twin Peaks, True Detective (S1), IT Crowd, the Good Place, and Oz.

Favorite Books

Uh. Horror books. 'Bout it. I don't consume a lot of reading material that isn't TTRPG related.

Favorite Games

Top 10 played games in order by playtime: Minecraft, WoW, Rimworld, Civilization V, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Fallout 76, Path of Exile, Luck be a Landlord, and Risk of Rain 2.   But my favorite games of all time have to be: Rimworld, Risk of Rain 2, Astroneer, Inscryption, Project Zomboid, No Man's Sky, and of course Minecraft.

Latest Loved work


Solar Pulse

Outer World

Inner World


Climate of Lethea