Janet Progress Report

  • Janet Forbes (Founder of World Anvil, fantasy author and RPG designer)
  • Grab your hammer and GO WORLDBUILD!

    Player Backgrounds

    2354 words

    Player Primer

    526 words

    Gods of Neothis

    330 words


    50 words

    Remmy Sullivan

    71 words

    Merry Ravenwood

    96 words


    123 words

    Rissford Village

    138 words

    Solen's Tower

    139 words


    101 words

    Cup of Creation

    88 words

    Eyes of Yustia

    161 words

    The Hereafter

    155 words


    143 words

    Janet Progress so far

    10622 words 106.22% completed!

    Go to Competition Homepage


    Hi, thanks for stopping by! I'm Janet Forbes. With Dimitris, I founded the World Anvil platform to help others (and myself) write novels, build worlds and run Tabletop Roleplaying Games! I'm also a published fantasy author and the game designer of "The Dark Crystal RPG" (Riverhorse games and Jim Henson Company) and for Kobold Press, Infinite Black and others! <3